main = do
let fileRemote = "fasljlajljalfjlajfasdjkg;fdk;kqpitpk;k;asdk;kg;adskg"
fileLocal = "ljljalsjdgljadslfjlasjdfqporiuqplsadljfaljdf"
+ blockSize = 5
-- generate signatures at block boundaries for the local file and send it to remote.
- fileLocalSigs = fileSignatures (BL.fromStrict (BS.pack fileLocal)) 5
+ fileLocalSigs = fileSignatures (BL.fromStrict (BS.pack fileLocal)) blockSize
-- at remote, take the signatures from the other size and generate instructions.
- insns = genInstructions fileLocalSigs 5 (BL.fromStrict (BS.pack fileRemote))
+ insns = genInstructions fileLocalSigs blockSize (BL.fromStrict (BS.pack fileRemote))
-- at the local side, take those instructions and apply to fileLocal
- fileLocalNew = recreate (BL.fromStrict (BS.pack fileLocal)) 5 insns
+ fileLocalNew = recreate (BL.fromStrict (BS.pack fileLocal)) blockSize insns
putStrLn $ "remote: " ++ fileRemote
putStrLn $ "local: " ++ fileLocal
BS.putStrLn $ (BS.pack "recreated: ") `BS.append` (BL.toStrict fileLocalNew)
, recreate
) where
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.&.), (.|.))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Data.Word (Word8)
-import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
+import Data.Char (ord)
+import Data.Digest.Adler32 (adler32)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD4 as MD4
-type Signature = (BS.ByteString, Int)
+type Md4digest = BS.ByteString
+type Adler32checksum = Word32
+type Signature = (Md4digest, Adler32checksum, Int)
fileSignatures :: BL.ByteString -> Integer -> [Signature]
-fileSignatures bs blockSize = zip (map blockSig (splitBS bs blockSize)) [0..]
+fileSignatures bs blockSize = zip3 strongsigs weaksigs [0..]
+ where strongsigs = map blockSig (splitBS bs blockSize)
+ weaksigs = map adler32 (splitBS bs blockSize)
splitBS :: BL.ByteString -> Integer -> [BL.ByteString]
splitBS bs blockSize | fromIntegral (BL.length bs) < blockSize = [bs]
(BL.take (fromIntegral blockSize) bs) :
splitBS (BL.drop (fromIntegral blockSize) bs) blockSize
+-- compute md4 digest (128 bits)
blockSig :: BL.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
-blockSig = SHA1.hash . BL.toStrict
+blockSig = MD4.hash . BL.toStrict
+weakSig :: BL.ByteString -> Adler32checksum
+weakSig = adler32
data Instruction = RChar Word8
| RBlk Int
genInstructions :: [Signature] -> Integer -> BL.ByteString -> [Instruction]
genInstructions f0sigs blockSize fnew =
- if (fnew == BL.empty)
- then []
- else
- let (blk, blks) = BL.splitAt (fromIntegral blockSize) fnew
- sig = blockSig blk
- in
- case (lookup sig f0sigs) of
- Just (idx) -> RBlk (fromIntegral idx) : genInstructions f0sigs blockSize blks
- Nothing -> RChar (BL.head blk) :
- genInstructions f0sigs blockSize (BL.tail (blk `mappend` blks))
+ -- create two hash tables one with adler32 as key and list of block numbers as values
+ -- another with md4sum as key and block numbers as values.
+ evalState (go fnew) 0
+ where
+ go :: BL.ByteString -> State Word32 [Instruction]
+ go fnew | (fnew == BL.empty) = return []
+ | otherwise =
+ let (blk, blks) = BL.splitAt (fromIntegral blockSize) fnew
+ adlerSum = weakSig blk
+ in
+ case M.lookup adlerSum f0AdlerTable of
+ Nothing -> do
+ put adlerSum
+ is <- go (BL.tail (blk `mappend` blks))
+ return $ RChar (BL.head blk) : is
+ Just _ ->
+ let md4sum = blockSig blk
+ in
+ case M.lookup md4sum f0MD4Table of
+ Just i -> do
+ is <- go blks
+ return $ RBlk (head i) : is
+ Nothing ->
+ return [RChar (BL.head blk)]
+ f0AdlerTable = toAdlerMap f0sigs
+ f0MD4Table = toMD4Map f0sigs
+toAdlerMap :: [Signature] -> M.Map Adler32checksum [Int]
+toAdlerMap = foldr f M.empty
+ where f sig m = let (_, aSig, idx) = sig in M.insertWith (++) aSig [idx] m
+toMD4Map :: [Signature] -> M.Map Md4digest [Int]
+toMD4Map = foldr f M.empty
+ where f sig m = let (mSig, _, idx) = sig in M.insertWith (++) mSig [idx] m
recreate :: BL.ByteString -> Integer -> [Instruction] -> BL.ByteString
recreate f0 blockSize ins =