From: david-sarah <>
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 04:02:37 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: Remove unmaintained Windows GUI app, except for windows/ which is moved... 

Remove unmaintained Windows GUI app, except for windows/ which is moved to src/allmydata/windows. refs #1282

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9d1f02a0..c02b81a4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -416,16 +416,3 @@ deb-jaunty-head:
 EXPERIMENTAL-deb: is-known-debian-arch
 	$(PYTHON) misc/build_helpers/ $(ARCH)
-# These targets provide for windows native builds
-.PHONY: windows-exe windows-installer windows-installer-upload
-windows-exe: .built
-	$(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C windows windows-exe"
-	$(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C windows windows-installer"
-	$(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C windows windows-installer-upload"
diff --git a/src/allmydata/windows/ b/src/allmydata/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2b5392a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import sys
+import win32serviceutil
+import win32service
+import win32event
+import win32evtlogutil
+import os
+import thread
+import time
+import traceback
+# this logging should go away once service startup is considered debugged.
+logfilehandle = file('c:\\tahoe_service.log', 'ab+')
+def logmsg(msg):
+    logfilehandle.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'), msg))
+    logfilehandle.flush()
+logmsg('service loaded')
+# Now with some bootstrap util functions in place, let's try and init things:
+    from allmydata.util import pkgresutil # override pkg_resources zip provider for py2exe deployment
+    pkgresutil.install() # this is done before nevow is imported
+    logmsg('loading base dir')
+    from import registry
+    basedir = registry.get_base_dir_path()
+    logmsg("got base dir (%s)" % (basedir,))
+    if not basedir:
+        regpth = "%s : %s " % (registry._AMD_KEY, registry._BDIR_KEY)
+        raise RuntimeError('"%s" not set in registry' % (regpth,))
+    os.chdir(basedir)
+    logmsg("chdir(%s)" % (basedir,))
+    logmsg("exception")
+    traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
+    logfilehandle.flush()
+    logfilehandle.close()
+    raise
+class Tahoe(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
+    _svc_name_ = "Tahoe"
+    _svc_display_name_ = "Allmydata Tahoe Node"
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        logmsg("init")
+        try:
+            # The exe-file has messages for the Event Log Viewer.
+            # Register the exe-file as event source.
+            #
+            # Probably it would be better if this is done at installation time,
+            # so that it also could be removed if the service is uninstalled.
+            # Unfortunately it cannot be done in the 'if __name__ == "__main__"'
+            # block below, because the 'frozen' exe-file does not run this code.
+            #
+            logmsg("service start")
+            win32evtlogutil.AddSourceToRegistry(self._svc_display_name_,
+                                                sys.executable,
+                                                "Application")
+            win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
+            self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
+        except:
+            try:
+                logmsg("exception")
+                traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
+                logfilehandle.flush()
+                logfilehandle.close()
+            except:
+                os.abort()
+    def SvcStop(self):
+        logmsg("service stop")
+        self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+        win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
+    def SvcDoRun(self):
+        try:
+            logmsg("service run")
+            import servicemanager
+            # Write a 'started' event to the event log...
+            win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_display_name_,
+                                        servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED,
+                                        0, # category
+                                        servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
+                                        (self._svc_name_, ''))
+            reactor_type = registry.get_registry_value('reactor')
+            if reactor_type == 'iocp':
+                from twisted.internet import iocpreactor
+                iocpreactor.install()
+            else:
+                from twisted.internet import selectreactor
+                selectreactor.install()
+            from twisted.internet import reactor
+            if os.path.exists('DISABLE_STARTUP'):
+                logmsg("DISABLE_STARTUP exists: exiting")
+            else:
+                logmsg("runing reactorthread")
+                # launch main thread...
+                thread.start_new_thread(self.launch_node, ())
+                # ...and block until service stop request
+                win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, win32event.INFINITE)
+                logmsg("wake up")
+                reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop)
+                time.sleep(2) # give the node/reactor a chance to cleanup
+            # and write a 'stopped' event to the event log.
+            win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_display_name_,
+                                        servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STOPPED,
+                                        0, # category
+                                        servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
+                                        (self._svc_name_, ''))
+        except:
+            try:
+                logmsg("exception")
+                traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
+                logfilehandle.flush()
+                logfilehandle.close()
+            except:
+                os.abort()
+    def launch_node(self):
+        try:
+            logmsg("main thread startup")
+            import depends # import dependencies so that py2exe finds them
+            _junk = depends # appease pyflakes
+            from twisted.internet import reactor
+            from twisted.python import log, logfile
+            from allmydata import client
+            # set up twisted logging. this will become part of the node rsn.
+            logdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'logs')
+            if not os.path.exists(logdir):
+                os.makedirs(logdir)
+            lf = logfile.LogFile('tahoesvc.log', logdir)
+            log.startLogging(lf)
+            # run the node itself
+            c = client.Client(basedir)
+            reactor.callLater(0, c.startService) # after reactor startup
+            logmsg("main thread shutdown")
+        except:
+            logmsg("exception")
+            traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
+            logfilehandle.flush()
+            os.abort()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    logmsg("service main")
+    win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(Tahoe)
diff --git a/windows/Makefile b/windows/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 761199c6..00000000
--- a/windows/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# we get $(PYTHON) from our parent, do 'make windows-exe PYTHON=foo' to
-# control it, since 'PYTHON=foo make windows-exe' doesn't seem to override
-# the default.
-# We also get $(PYTHONPATH) from our parent, which is critical for py2exe to
-# find the tahoe code. Invoking this Makefile directly won't work.
-INNOSETUP := $(shell cygpath -au "$(PROGRAMFILES)/Inno Setup 5/Compil32.exe")
-.PHONY: windows-exe windows-installer windows-installer-upload
-	$(PYTHON) py2exe
-	touch windows-exe.stamp
-windows-exe: windows-exe.stamp
-windows-installer: windows-exe.stamp
-	$(PYTHON) ../misc/ installer.tmpl >installer.iss
-	"$(INNOSETUP)" /cc installer.iss
-	chmod -R o+rx dist/installer
-	rsync -av -e /usr/bin/ssh dist/installer/ amduser@dev:/home/amduser/public_html/dist/tahoe/windows/
diff --git a/windows/amdicon.ico b/windows/amdicon.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 616240ad..00000000
Binary files a/windows/amdicon.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/windows/ b/windows/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a88caff..00000000
--- a/windows/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from allmydata.gui.confwiz import main
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-#    main(sys.argv, open_welcome_page=False)
-    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/windows/ b/windows/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e82d97..00000000
--- a/windows/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# nevow requires all these for its voodoo module import time adaptor registrations
-from nevow import accessors, appserver, static, rend, url, util, query, i18n, flat
-from nevow import guard, stan, testutil, context
-from nevow.flat import flatmdom, flatstan, twist
-from formless import webform, processors, annotate, iformless
-from decimal import Decimal
-import allmydata.web
-# junk to appease pyflakes's outrage at py2exe's needs
-junk = [
-    accessors, appserver, static, rend, url, util, query, i18n, flat, guard, stan, testutil,
-    context, flatmdom, flatstan, twist, webform, processors, annotate, iformless, Decimal,
-    allmydata,
-    ]
diff --git a/windows/installer.bmp b/windows/installer.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7c24ed..00000000
Binary files a/windows/installer.bmp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/windows/installer.ico b/windows/installer.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index aa0f5cb0..00000000
Binary files a/windows/installer.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/windows/installer.tmpl b/windows/installer.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6721ed99..00000000
--- a/windows/installer.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-AppName=Allmydata 3.0.4
-; AppVerName=Allmydata 3.0.4 (build %(major)d.%(minor)d.%(point)d-r%(revision)d)
-AppVerName=Allmydata 3.0.4
-AppPublisher=Allmydata Inc.
-AppCopyright=Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Allmydata, Inc.
-DefaultDirName={pf}\Allmydata 3.0
-DefaultGroupName=Allmydata 3.0
-; minumum version NT 4, no classic windows
-; license file needs to be build/all dir
-; contents of 'binaries' dir. (consolidated build target)
-Source: "*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\Install"; Flags: restartreplace replacesameversion uninsrestartdelete
-Source: ".\pkg_resources\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\Install\pkg_resources"; Flags: recursesubdirs
-Source: ".\winfuse\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\Install\winfuse"; Flags: recursesubdirs
-Name: "{app}\noderoot"
-; Program files entries
-Name: "{group}\Allmydata"; Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\AllmydataTray.exe"
-Name: "{commonstartup}\Allmydata"; Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\AllmydataTray.exe"
-;Name: "{group}\Tahoe root dir (web)"; Filename: "{app}\Install\tahoe.exe"; Parameters: "webopen"
-Name: "{group}\Allmydata Help"; Filename: ""
-; Things performed before the final page of the installer
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop ""Allmydata SMB"""; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop Tahoe"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop Allmydata Manager"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\tahoesvc.exe"; Parameters: "-install -auto"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\tahoe.exe"; Parameters: "create-node ""{app}\noderoot"""; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\AllmydataManager.exe"; Parameters: "-install -auto"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\InstallUtil.exe"; Parameters: """{app}\Install\winfuse\WinFUSE.exe"""; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\confwiz.exe"; Flags: hidewizard
-;Filename: "{app}\Install\ReadMe.txt"; Description: "View the ReadMe file"; Flags: unchecked postinstall nowait shellexec skipifdoesntexist
-Filename: "{sys}\rundll32.exe"; Parameters: "{app}\Install\winfuse\loopback_install.dll doLoopBackEntry"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\AllmydataTray.exe"; Description: "Run Allmydata"; Flags: postinstall nowait
-Filename: ""; Description: "View the Welcome Page"; Flags: postinstall shellexec
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "start ""Allmydata Manager"""; Flags: runhidden
-; Performed before the uninstaller runs to undo things
-; xFilename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\AllmydataTray.exe"; Parameters: "-Q"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop ""Allmydata SMB"""; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop Tahoe"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop ""Allmydata Manager"""; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\InstallUtil.exe"; Parameters: "/uninstall ""{app}\Install\winfuse\WinFUSE.exe"""; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\tahoesvc.exe"; Parameters: "-remove"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\AllmydataManager.exe"; Parameters: "-U"; Flags: runhidden
-;Filename: "{app}\Install\confwiz.exe"; Parameters: "--uninstall"; Flags: runhidden
-;Filename: ""; Flags: shellexec
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Allmydata"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Allmydata"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Base Dir Path"; ValueData: "{app}\noderoot"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
diff --git a/windows/ b/windows/
deleted file mode 100644
index 62e5e71e..00000000
--- a/windows/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-from distutils.core import setup
-import py2exe
-import glob
-lnf_manifest = """
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
-    version=""
-    processorArchitecture="x86"
-    name="Controls"
-    type="win32"
-    <dependentAssembly>
-        <assemblyIdentity
-            type="win32"
-            name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
-            version=""
-            processorArchitecture="X86"
-            publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"
-            language="*"
-        />
-    </dependentAssembly>
-packages = ['encodings']
-    import _xmlplus
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-    packages.append('_xmlplus')
-setup_args = {
-    'name': 'Tahoe',
-    'description': 'Allmydata Tahoe distributated storage',
-    'author': 'Allmydata, Inc.',
-    'windows': [
-        {
-            'script': '',
-            'icon_resources': [(1, 'amdicon.ico')],
-            'other_resources': [(24,1,lnf_manifest%'Allmydata Tahoe Config Wizard')],
-        },
-    ],
-    'console': [
-        '',
-    ],
-    'service': [
-        'tahoesvc',
-    ],
-    'data_files': [
-        ('.', [
-        ],),
-        ('pkg_resources/allmydata/web', glob.glob('../src/allmydata/web/*')),
-        ('winfuse', glob.glob('./winfuse/*')),
-    ],
-    'zipfile' : '',
-    'options': {
-        "py2exe": {
-            "excludes": [
-            ],
-            "includes": [
-            ],
-            "packages": packages,
-            #"optimize" : 2,
-        },
-    },
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    setup(**setup_args)
-_junk = py2exe # appease pyflakes
-del _junk
diff --git a/windows/ b/windows/
deleted file mode 100644
index e3e4b469..00000000
--- a/windows/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-from allmydata.util import pkgresutil # override the pkg_resources zip provider for py2exe deployment
-pkgresutil.install() # this is done before nevow is imported by depends
-import depends # import dependencies so that py2exe finds them
-_junk = depends # appease pyflakes
-import sys
-from allmydata.scripts import runner
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/windows/ b/windows/
deleted file mode 100644
index a2b5392a..00000000
--- a/windows/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import win32serviceutil
-import win32service
-import win32event
-import win32evtlogutil
-import os
-import thread
-import time
-import traceback
-# this logging should go away once service startup is considered debugged.
-logfilehandle = file('c:\\tahoe_service.log', 'ab+')
-def logmsg(msg):
-    logfilehandle.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'), msg))
-    logfilehandle.flush()
-logmsg('service loaded')
-# Now with some bootstrap util functions in place, let's try and init things:
-    from allmydata.util import pkgresutil # override pkg_resources zip provider for py2exe deployment
-    pkgresutil.install() # this is done before nevow is imported
-    logmsg('loading base dir')
-    from import registry
-    basedir = registry.get_base_dir_path()
-    logmsg("got base dir (%s)" % (basedir,))
-    if not basedir:
-        regpth = "%s : %s " % (registry._AMD_KEY, registry._BDIR_KEY)
-        raise RuntimeError('"%s" not set in registry' % (regpth,))
-    os.chdir(basedir)
-    logmsg("chdir(%s)" % (basedir,))
-    logmsg("exception")
-    traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
-    logfilehandle.flush()
-    logfilehandle.close()
-    raise
-class Tahoe(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
-    _svc_name_ = "Tahoe"
-    _svc_display_name_ = "Allmydata Tahoe Node"
-    def __init__(self, args):
-        logmsg("init")
-        try:
-            # The exe-file has messages for the Event Log Viewer.
-            # Register the exe-file as event source.
-            #
-            # Probably it would be better if this is done at installation time,
-            # so that it also could be removed if the service is uninstalled.
-            # Unfortunately it cannot be done in the 'if __name__ == "__main__"'
-            # block below, because the 'frozen' exe-file does not run this code.
-            #
-            logmsg("service start")
-            win32evtlogutil.AddSourceToRegistry(self._svc_display_name_,
-                                                sys.executable,
-                                                "Application")
-            win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
-            self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
-        except:
-            try:
-                logmsg("exception")
-                traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
-                logfilehandle.flush()
-                logfilehandle.close()
-            except:
-                os.abort()
-    def SvcStop(self):
-        logmsg("service stop")
-        self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
-        win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
-    def SvcDoRun(self):
-        try:
-            logmsg("service run")
-            import servicemanager
-            # Write a 'started' event to the event log...
-            win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_display_name_,
-                                        servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED,
-                                        0, # category
-                                        servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
-                                        (self._svc_name_, ''))
-            reactor_type = registry.get_registry_value('reactor')
-            if reactor_type == 'iocp':
-                from twisted.internet import iocpreactor
-                iocpreactor.install()
-            else:
-                from twisted.internet import selectreactor
-                selectreactor.install()
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-            if os.path.exists('DISABLE_STARTUP'):
-                logmsg("DISABLE_STARTUP exists: exiting")
-            else:
-                logmsg("runing reactorthread")
-                # launch main thread...
-                thread.start_new_thread(self.launch_node, ())
-                # ...and block until service stop request
-                win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, win32event.INFINITE)
-                logmsg("wake up")
-                reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop)
-                time.sleep(2) # give the node/reactor a chance to cleanup
-            # and write a 'stopped' event to the event log.
-            win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_display_name_,
-                                        servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STOPPED,
-                                        0, # category
-                                        servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
-                                        (self._svc_name_, ''))
-        except:
-            try:
-                logmsg("exception")
-                traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
-                logfilehandle.flush()
-                logfilehandle.close()
-            except:
-                os.abort()
-    def launch_node(self):
-        try:
-            logmsg("main thread startup")
-            import depends # import dependencies so that py2exe finds them
-            _junk = depends # appease pyflakes
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-            from twisted.python import log, logfile
-            from allmydata import client
-            # set up twisted logging. this will become part of the node rsn.
-            logdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'logs')
-            if not os.path.exists(logdir):
-                os.makedirs(logdir)
-            lf = logfile.LogFile('tahoesvc.log', logdir)
-            log.startLogging(lf)
-            # run the node itself
-            c = client.Client(basedir)
-            reactor.callLater(0, c.startService) # after reactor startup
-            logmsg("main thread shutdown")
-        except:
-            logmsg("exception")
-            traceback.print_exc(None, logfilehandle)
-            logfilehandle.flush()
-            os.abort()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    logmsg("service main")
-    win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(Tahoe)