--- /dev/null
+# -*- test-case-name: allmydata.test.test_encode -*-
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import log
+from allmydata.chunk import HashTree, roundup_pow2
+from allmydata.Crypto.Cipher import AES
+from allmydata.util import mathutil, hashutil
+from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert
+from allmydata.codec import CRSEncoder
+from allmydata.interfaces import IEncoder
+The goal of the encoder is to turn the original file into a series of
+'shares'. Each share is going to a 'shareholder' (nominally each shareholder
+is a different host, but for small meshes there may be overlap). The number
+of shares is chosen to hit our reliability goals (more shares on more
+machines means more reliability), and is limited by overhead (proportional to
+numshares or log(numshares)) and the encoding technology in use (Reed-Solomon
+only permits 256 shares total). It is also constrained by the amount of data
+we want to send to each host. For estimating purposes, think of 100 shares
+out of which we need 25 to reconstruct the file.
+The encoder starts by cutting the original file into segments. All segments
+except the last are of equal size. The segment size is chosen to constrain
+the memory footprint (which will probably vary between 1x and 4x segment
+size) and to constrain the overhead (which will be proportional to either the
+number of segments or log(number of segments)).
+Each segment (A,B,C) is read into memory, encrypted, and encoded into
+blocks. The 'share' (say, share #1) that makes it out to a host is a
+collection of these blocks (block A1, B1, C1), plus some hash-tree
+information necessary to validate the data upon retrieval. Only one segment
+is handled at a time: all blocks for segment A are delivered before any
+work is begun on segment B.
+As blocks are created, we retain the hash of each one. The list of
+block hashes for a single share (say, hash(A1), hash(B1), hash(C1)) is
+used to form the base of a Merkle hash tree for that share (hashtrees[1]).
+This hash tree has one terminal leaf per block. The complete block hash
+tree is sent to the shareholder after all the data has been sent. At
+retrieval time, the decoder will ask for specific pieces of this tree before
+asking for blocks, whichever it needs to validate those blocks.
+(Note: we don't really need to generate this whole block hash tree
+ourselves. It would be sufficient to have the shareholder generate it and
+just tell us the root. This gives us an extra level of validation on the
+transfer, though, and it is relatively cheap to compute.)
+Each of these block hash trees has a root hash. The collection of these
+root hashes for all shares are collected into the 'share hash tree', which
+has one terminal leaf per share. After sending the blocks and the complete
+block hash tree to each shareholder, we send them the portion of the share
+hash tree that is necessary to validate their share. The root of the share
+hash tree is put into the URI.
+def pad(s, l, c='\x00'):
+ """
+ Return string s with enough chars c appended to it to make its length be
+ an even multiple of l bytes.
+ @param s the original string
+ @param l the length of the resulting padded string in bytes
+ @param c the pad char
+ """
+ return s + c * mathutil.pad_size(len(s), l)
+class Encoder(object):
+ implements(IEncoder)
+ def setup(self, infile):
+ self.infile = infile
+ infile.seek(0, 2)
+ self.file_size = infile.tell()
+ infile.seek(0, 0)
+ self.num_shares = self.TOTAL_SHARES
+ self.required_shares = self.NEEDED_SHARES
+ self.segment_size = min(2*MiB, self.file_size)
+ # this must be a multiple of self.required_shares
+ self.segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self.segment_size,
+ self.required_shares)
+ self.setup_codec()
+ def setup_codec(self):
+ assert self.segment_size % self.required_shares == 0
+ self._codec = CRSEncoder()
+ self._codec.set_params(self.segment_size,
+ self.required_shares, self.num_shares)
+ # the "tail" is the last segment. This segment may or may not be
+ # shorter than all other segments. We use the "tail codec" to handle
+ # it. If the tail is short, we use a different codec instance. In
+ # addition, the tail codec must be fed data which has been padded out
+ # to the right size.
+ self.tail_size = self.file_size % self.segment_size
+ if not self.tail_size:
+ self.tail_size = self.segment_size
+ # the tail codec is responsible for encoding tail_size bytes
+ padded_tail_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self.tail_size,
+ self.required_shares)
+ self._tail_codec = CRSEncoder()
+ self._tail_codec.set_params(padded_tail_size,
+ self.required_shares, self.num_shares)
+ def get_share_size(self):
+ share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self.file_size, self.required_shares)
+ overhead = self.compute_overhead()
+ return share_size + overhead
+ def compute_overhead(self):
+ return 0
+ def get_block_size(self):
+ return self._codec.get_block_size()
+ def set_shareholders(self, landlords):
+ assert isinstance(landlords, dict)
+ for k in landlords:
+ # it would be nice to:
+ #assert RIBucketWriter.providedBy(landlords[k])
+ pass
+ self.landlords = landlords.copy()
+ def start(self):
+ #paddedsize = self._size + mathutil.pad_size(self._size, self.needed_shares)
+ self.num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(self.file_size,
+ self.segment_size)
+ self.share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self.file_size,
+ self.required_shares)
+ self.setup_encryption()
+ self.setup_codec()
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ for i in range(self.num_segments-1):
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_segment(i))
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_tail_segment(self.num_segments-1))
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.send_all_subshare_hash_trees())
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.send_all_share_hash_trees())
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.close_all_shareholders())
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.done())
+ return d
+ def setup_encryption(self):
+ self.key = "\x00"*16
+ self.cryptor = AES.new(key=self.key, mode=AES.MODE_CTR,
+ counterstart="\x00"*16)
+ self.segment_num = 0
+ self.subshare_hashes = [[] for x in range(self.num_shares)]
+ # subshare_hashes[i] is a list that will be accumulated and then send
+ # to landlord[i]. This list contains a hash of each segment_share
+ # that we sent to that landlord.
+ self.share_root_hashes = [None] * self.num_shares
+ def do_segment(self, segnum):
+ chunks = []
+ codec = self._codec
+ # the ICodecEncoder API wants to receive a total of self.segment_size
+ # bytes on each encode() call, broken up into a number of
+ # identically-sized pieces. Due to the way the codec algorithm works,
+ # these pieces need to be the same size as the share which the codec
+ # will generate. Therefore we must feed it with input_piece_size that
+ # equals the output share size.
+ input_piece_size = codec.get_block_size()
+ # as a result, the number of input pieces per encode() call will be
+ # equal to the number of required shares with which the codec was
+ # constructed. You can think of the codec as chopping up a
+ # 'segment_size' of data into 'required_shares' shares (not doing any
+ # fancy math at all, just doing a split), then creating some number
+ # of additional shares which can be substituted if the primary ones
+ # are unavailable
+ for i in range(self.required_shares):
+ input_piece = self.infile.read(input_piece_size)
+ # non-tail segments should be the full segment size
+ assert len(input_piece) == input_piece_size
+ encrypted_piece = self.cryptor.encrypt(input_piece)
+ chunks.append(encrypted_piece)
+ d = codec.encode(chunks)
+ d.addCallback(self._encoded_segment, segnum)
+ return d
+ def do_tail_segment(self, segnum):
+ chunks = []
+ codec = self._tail_codec
+ input_piece_size = codec.get_block_size()
+ for i in range(self.required_shares):
+ input_piece = self.infile.read(input_piece_size)
+ if len(input_piece) < input_piece_size:
+ # padding
+ input_piece += ('\x00' * (input_piece_size - len(input_piece)))
+ encrypted_piece = self.cryptor.encrypt(input_piece)
+ chunks.append(encrypted_piece)
+ d = codec.encode(chunks)
+ d.addCallback(self._encoded_segment, segnum)
+ return d
+ def _encoded_segment(self, (shares, shareids), segnum):
+ _assert(set(shareids) == set(self.landlords.keys()),
+ shareids=shareids, landlords=self.landlords)
+ dl = []
+ for i in range(len(shares)):
+ subshare = shares[i]
+ shareid = shareids[i]
+ d = self.send_subshare(shareid, segnum, subshare)
+ dl.append(d)
+ subshare_hash = hashutil.tagged_hash("encoded subshare", subshare)
+ self.subshare_hashes[shareid].append(subshare_hash)
+ dl = defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def _logit(res):
+ log.msg("%s uploaded %s / %s bytes of your file." % (self, self.segment_size*(segnum+1), self.segment_size*self.num_segments))
+ return res
+ dl.addCallback(_logit)
+ return dl
+ def send_subshare(self, shareid, segment_num, subshare):
+ return self.send(shareid, "put_block", segment_num, subshare)
+ def send(self, shareid, methname, *args, **kwargs):
+ ll = self.landlords[shareid]
+ return ll.callRemote(methname, *args, **kwargs)
+ def send_all_subshare_hash_trees(self):
+ dl = []
+ for shareid,hashes in enumerate(self.subshare_hashes):
+ # hashes is a list of the hashes of all subshares that were sent
+ # to shareholder[shareid].
+ dl.append(self.send_one_subshare_hash_tree(shareid, hashes))
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def send_one_subshare_hash_tree(self, shareid, subshare_hashes):
+ t = HashTree(subshare_hashes)
+ all_hashes = list(t)
+ # all_hashes[0] is the root hash, == hash(ah[1]+ah[2])
+ # all_hashes[1] is the left child, == hash(ah[3]+ah[4])
+ # all_hashes[n] == hash(all_hashes[2*n+1] + all_hashes[2*n+2])
+ self.share_root_hashes[shareid] = t[0]
+ return self.send(shareid, "put_block_hashes", all_hashes)
+ def send_all_share_hash_trees(self):
+ dl = []
+ for h in self.share_root_hashes:
+ assert h
+ # create the share hash tree
+ t = HashTree(self.share_root_hashes)
+ # the root of this hash tree goes into our URI
+ self.root_hash = t[0]
+ # now send just the necessary pieces out to each shareholder
+ for i in range(self.num_shares):
+ # the HashTree is given a list of leaves: 0,1,2,3..n .
+ # These become nodes A+0,A+1,A+2.. of the tree, where A=n-1
+ tree_width = roundup_pow2(self.num_shares)
+ base_index = i + tree_width - 1
+ needed_hash_indices = t.needed_for(base_index)
+ hashes = [(hi, t[hi]) for hi in needed_hash_indices]
+ dl.append(self.send_one_share_hash_tree(i, hashes))
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def send_one_share_hash_tree(self, shareid, needed_hashes):
+ return self.send(shareid, "put_share_hashes", needed_hashes)
+ def close_all_shareholders(self):
+ dl = []
+ for shareid in range(self.num_shares):
+ dl.append(self.send(shareid, "close"))
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def done(self):
+ return self.root_hash
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- test-case-name: allmydata.test.test_encode -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.python import log
-from allmydata.chunk import HashTree, roundup_pow2
-from allmydata.Crypto.Cipher import AES
-from allmydata.util import mathutil, hashutil
-from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert
-from allmydata.codec import CRSEncoder
-from allmydata.interfaces import IEncoder
-The goal of the encoder is to turn the original file into a series of
-'shares'. Each share is going to a 'shareholder' (nominally each shareholder
-is a different host, but for small meshes there may be overlap). The number
-of shares is chosen to hit our reliability goals (more shares on more
-machines means more reliability), and is limited by overhead (proportional to
-numshares or log(numshares)) and the encoding technology in use (Reed-Solomon
-only permits 256 shares total). It is also constrained by the amount of data
-we want to send to each host. For estimating purposes, think of 100 shares
-out of which we need 25 to reconstruct the file.
-The encoder starts by cutting the original file into segments. All segments
-except the last are of equal size. The segment size is chosen to constrain
-the memory footprint (which will probably vary between 1x and 4x segment
-size) and to constrain the overhead (which will be proportional to either the
-number of segments or log(number of segments)).
-Each segment (A,B,C) is read into memory, encrypted, and encoded into
-blocks. The 'share' (say, share #1) that makes it out to a host is a
-collection of these blocks (block A1, B1, C1), plus some hash-tree
-information necessary to validate the data upon retrieval. Only one segment
-is handled at a time: all blocks for segment A are delivered before any
-work is begun on segment B.
-As blocks are created, we retain the hash of each one. The list of
-block hashes for a single share (say, hash(A1), hash(B1), hash(C1)) is
-used to form the base of a Merkle hash tree for that share (hashtrees[1]).
-This hash tree has one terminal leaf per block. The complete block hash
-tree is sent to the shareholder after all the data has been sent. At
-retrieval time, the decoder will ask for specific pieces of this tree before
-asking for blocks, whichever it needs to validate those blocks.
-(Note: we don't really need to generate this whole block hash tree
-ourselves. It would be sufficient to have the shareholder generate it and
-just tell us the root. This gives us an extra level of validation on the
-transfer, though, and it is relatively cheap to compute.)
-Each of these block hash trees has a root hash. The collection of these
-root hashes for all shares are collected into the 'share hash tree', which
-has one terminal leaf per share. After sending the blocks and the complete
-block hash tree to each shareholder, we send them the portion of the share
-hash tree that is necessary to validate their share. The root of the share
-hash tree is put into the URI.
-def pad(s, l, c='\x00'):
- """
- Return string s with enough chars c appended to it to make its length be
- an even multiple of l bytes.
- @param s the original string
- @param l the length of the resulting padded string in bytes
- @param c the pad char
- """
- return s + c * mathutil.pad_size(len(s), l)
-class Encoder(object):
- implements(IEncoder)
- def setup(self, infile):
- self.infile = infile
- infile.seek(0, 2)
- self.file_size = infile.tell()
- infile.seek(0, 0)
- self.num_shares = self.TOTAL_SHARES
- self.required_shares = self.NEEDED_SHARES
- self.segment_size = min(2*MiB, self.file_size)
- # this must be a multiple of self.required_shares
- self.segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self.segment_size,
- self.required_shares)
- self.setup_codec()
- def setup_codec(self):
- assert self.segment_size % self.required_shares == 0
- self._codec = CRSEncoder()
- self._codec.set_params(self.segment_size,
- self.required_shares, self.num_shares)
- # the "tail" is the last segment. This segment may or may not be
- # shorter than all other segments. We use the "tail codec" to handle
- # it. If the tail is short, we use a different codec instance. In
- # addition, the tail codec must be fed data which has been padded out
- # to the right size.
- self.tail_size = self.file_size % self.segment_size
- if not self.tail_size:
- self.tail_size = self.segment_size
- # the tail codec is responsible for encoding tail_size bytes
- padded_tail_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self.tail_size,
- self.required_shares)
- self._tail_codec = CRSEncoder()
- self._tail_codec.set_params(padded_tail_size,
- self.required_shares, self.num_shares)
- def get_share_size(self):
- share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self.file_size, self.required_shares)
- overhead = self.compute_overhead()
- return share_size + overhead
- def compute_overhead(self):
- return 0
- def get_block_size(self):
- return self._codec.get_block_size()
- def set_shareholders(self, landlords):
- assert isinstance(landlords, dict)
- for k in landlords:
- # it would be nice to:
- #assert RIBucketWriter.providedBy(landlords[k])
- pass
- self.landlords = landlords.copy()
- def start(self):
- #paddedsize = self._size + mathutil.pad_size(self._size, self.needed_shares)
- self.num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(self.file_size,
- self.segment_size)
- self.share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(self.file_size,
- self.required_shares)
- self.setup_encryption()
- self.setup_codec()
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- for i in range(self.num_segments-1):
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_segment(i))
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_tail_segment(self.num_segments-1))
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.send_all_subshare_hash_trees())
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.send_all_share_hash_trees())
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.close_all_shareholders())
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.done())
- return d
- def setup_encryption(self):
- self.key = "\x00"*16
- self.cryptor = AES.new(key=self.key, mode=AES.MODE_CTR,
- counterstart="\x00"*16)
- self.segment_num = 0
- self.subshare_hashes = [[] for x in range(self.num_shares)]
- # subshare_hashes[i] is a list that will be accumulated and then send
- # to landlord[i]. This list contains a hash of each segment_share
- # that we sent to that landlord.
- self.share_root_hashes = [None] * self.num_shares
- def do_segment(self, segnum):
- chunks = []
- codec = self._codec
- # the ICodecEncoder API wants to receive a total of self.segment_size
- # bytes on each encode() call, broken up into a number of
- # identically-sized pieces. Due to the way the codec algorithm works,
- # these pieces need to be the same size as the share which the codec
- # will generate. Therefore we must feed it with input_piece_size that
- # equals the output share size.
- input_piece_size = codec.get_block_size()
- # as a result, the number of input pieces per encode() call will be
- # equal to the number of required shares with which the codec was
- # constructed. You can think of the codec as chopping up a
- # 'segment_size' of data into 'required_shares' shares (not doing any
- # fancy math at all, just doing a split), then creating some number
- # of additional shares which can be substituted if the primary ones
- # are unavailable
- for i in range(self.required_shares):
- input_piece = self.infile.read(input_piece_size)
- # non-tail segments should be the full segment size
- assert len(input_piece) == input_piece_size
- encrypted_piece = self.cryptor.encrypt(input_piece)
- chunks.append(encrypted_piece)
- d = codec.encode(chunks)
- d.addCallback(self._encoded_segment, segnum)
- return d
- def do_tail_segment(self, segnum):
- chunks = []
- codec = self._tail_codec
- input_piece_size = codec.get_block_size()
- for i in range(self.required_shares):
- input_piece = self.infile.read(input_piece_size)
- if len(input_piece) < input_piece_size:
- # padding
- input_piece += ('\x00' * (input_piece_size - len(input_piece)))
- encrypted_piece = self.cryptor.encrypt(input_piece)
- chunks.append(encrypted_piece)
- d = codec.encode(chunks)
- d.addCallback(self._encoded_segment, segnum)
- return d
- def _encoded_segment(self, (shares, shareids), segnum):
- _assert(set(shareids) == set(self.landlords.keys()),
- shareids=shareids, landlords=self.landlords)
- dl = []
- for i in range(len(shares)):
- subshare = shares[i]
- shareid = shareids[i]
- d = self.send_subshare(shareid, segnum, subshare)
- dl.append(d)
- subshare_hash = hashutil.tagged_hash("encoded subshare", subshare)
- self.subshare_hashes[shareid].append(subshare_hash)
- dl = defer.DeferredList(dl)
- def _logit(res):
- log.msg("%s uploaded %s / %s bytes of your file." % (self, self.segment_size*(segnum+1), self.segment_size*self.num_segments))
- return res
- dl.addCallback(_logit)
- return dl
- def send_subshare(self, shareid, segment_num, subshare):
- return self.send(shareid, "put_block", segment_num, subshare)
- def send(self, shareid, methname, *args, **kwargs):
- ll = self.landlords[shareid]
- return ll.callRemote(methname, *args, **kwargs)
- def send_all_subshare_hash_trees(self):
- dl = []
- for shareid,hashes in enumerate(self.subshare_hashes):
- # hashes is a list of the hashes of all subshares that were sent
- # to shareholder[shareid].
- dl.append(self.send_one_subshare_hash_tree(shareid, hashes))
- return defer.DeferredList(dl)
- def send_one_subshare_hash_tree(self, shareid, subshare_hashes):
- t = HashTree(subshare_hashes)
- all_hashes = list(t)
- # all_hashes[0] is the root hash, == hash(ah[1]+ah[2])
- # all_hashes[1] is the left child, == hash(ah[3]+ah[4])
- # all_hashes[n] == hash(all_hashes[2*n+1] + all_hashes[2*n+2])
- self.share_root_hashes[shareid] = t[0]
- return self.send(shareid, "put_block_hashes", all_hashes)
- def send_all_share_hash_trees(self):
- dl = []
- for h in self.share_root_hashes:
- assert h
- # create the share hash tree
- t = HashTree(self.share_root_hashes)
- # the root of this hash tree goes into our URI
- self.root_hash = t[0]
- # now send just the necessary pieces out to each shareholder
- for i in range(self.num_shares):
- # the HashTree is given a list of leaves: 0,1,2,3..n .
- # These become nodes A+0,A+1,A+2.. of the tree, where A=n-1
- tree_width = roundup_pow2(self.num_shares)
- base_index = i + tree_width - 1
- needed_hash_indices = t.needed_for(base_index)
- hashes = [(hi, t[hi]) for hi in needed_hash_indices]
- dl.append(self.send_one_share_hash_tree(i, hashes))
- return defer.DeferredList(dl)
- def send_one_share_hash_tree(self, shareid, needed_hashes):
- return self.send(shareid, "put_share_hashes", needed_hashes)
- def close_all_shareholders(self):
- dl = []
- for shareid in range(self.num_shares):
- dl.append(self.send(shareid, "close"))
- return defer.DeferredList(dl)
- def done(self):
- return self.root_hash
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer
from foolscap import eventual
-from allmydata import encode_new, download
+from allmydata import encode, download
from allmydata.uri import pack_uri
from cStringIO import StringIO
-class MyEncoder(encode_new.Encoder):
+class MyEncoder(encode.Encoder):
def send(self, share_num, methname, *args, **kwargs):
if False and share_num < 10:
print "send[%d].%s()" % (share_num, methname)
class Encode(unittest.TestCase):
def test_send(self):
- e = encode_new.Encoder()
+ e = encode.Encoder()
data = "happy happy joy joy" * 4
class Roundtrip(unittest.TestCase):
def send_and_recover(self, NUM_SHARES, NUM_PEERS, NUM_SEGMENTS=4):
- e = encode_new.Encoder()
+ e = encode.Encoder()
data = "happy happy joy joy" * 4
from foolscap import Referenceable
from allmydata.util import idlib
-from allmydata import encode_new
+from allmydata import encode
from allmydata.uri import pack_uri
from allmydata.interfaces import IUploadable, IUploader
assert self.needed_shares
# create the encoder, so we can know how large the shares will be
- self._encoder = encode_new.Encoder()
+ self._encoder = encode.Encoder()
share_size = self._encoder.get_share_size()
block_size = self._encoder.get_block_size()