--- /dev/null
+#lang racket
+(define (partial-sums s)
+ (define (partial-sums-iter sum stream)
+ (cons-stream (+ sum (stream-car stream))
+ (partial-sums-iter (+ sum (stream-car stream))
+ (stream-cdr stream))))
+ (partial-sums-iter 0 s))
+> (stream-ref (partial-sums (integers-starting-from 1)) 0)
+> (stream-ref (partial-sums (integers-starting-from 1)) 1)
+> (stream-ref (partial-sums (integers-starting-from 1)) 2)
+> (stream-ref (partial-sums (integers-starting-from 1)) 3)
+> (stream-ref (partial-sums (integers-starting-from 1)) 4)
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--- /dev/null
+#lang racket
+We do (n - 1) additions for the memo-proc based delay implementation.
+With the simple delay implementation, for a given n, it constructs the
+fib sequence:
+ fib (n) = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
+In our case, the number of additions for nth fib will be equal to the
+number of additions for the fib(n-1) and that for fib(n-2) + 1
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