self.c0 = self.g.clients[0]
n = self.c0.create_node_from_uri(immutable_uri)
- n._cnode._maybe_create_download_node()
# Cause the downloader to guess a segsize that's too low, so it will
# ask for a segment number that's too high (beyond the end of the
# real list, causing BadSegmentNumberError), to exercise
# Segmentation._retry_bad_segment
+ n._cnode._maybe_create_download_node()
+ n._cnode._node._build_guessed_tables(90)
con1 = MemoryConsumer()
- n._cnode._node._build_guessed_tables(90)
# plaintext size of 310 bytes, wrong-segsize of 90 bytes, will make
# us think that file[180:200] is in the third segment (segnum=2), but
# really there's only one segment