self.failUnless(out.startswith(allmydata.__appname__+':'), str(res))
self.failIfIn("DeprecationWarning", out, str(res))
errlines = err.split("\n")
- self.failIf([True for line in errlines if line != "" and ("UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools" not in line)], str(res))
+ self.failIf([True for line in errlines if (line != "" and "UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools" not in line
+ and "from pkg_resources import load_entry_point" not in line)], errstr)
if err != "":
raise unittest.SkipTest("This test is known not to pass on Ubuntu Lucid; see #1235.")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr) # If you emit noise, you fail this test.
errlines = err.split("\n")
- self.failIf([True for line in errlines if line != "" and ("UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools" not in line)], errstr)
+ self.failIf([True for line in errlines if (line != "" and "UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools" not in line
+ and "from pkg_resources import load_entry_point" not in line)], errstr)
if err != "":
raise unittest.SkipTest("This test is known not to pass on Ubuntu Lucid; see #1235.")