c_D = (n-2)*(B-1) + firstL_max + firstC_max
# number of compressions to hash a Winternitz public key
- c_W = compressions(n*L_hash + L_label)
+ c_W = compressions(n*L_hash)
# bitlength of a single Winternitz signature and authentication path
L_MW = (n + h_M ) * L_hash
# find optimal Merkle tree shapes for this L_hash and each K
trees = {}
K_max = 50
- c2 = compressions(2*L_hash + L_label)
- c3 = compressions(3*L_hash + L_label)
+ c2 = compressions(2*L_hash)
+ c3 = compressions(3*L_hash)
for dau in xrange(0, 10):
a = pow(2, dau)
for tri in xrange(0, ceil_log(30-dau, 3)):