--- /dev/null
+#lang racket
+(define (negate x) (- x))
+(put 'negate '(scheme-number)
+ (lambda (r) (tag (negate r))))
+(put 'negate '(rational)
+ (lambda (r) (tag (negate r))))
+(put 'negate '(real)
+ (lambda (r) (tag (negate r))))
+(put 'negate '(complex)
+ (lambda (c) (tag ((get 'make 'complex) (negate (real c))
+ (negate (imag c))))))
+(put 'negate '(polynomial)
+ (lambda (p) (tag (negate-poly p))))
+(define (negate-terms terms)
+ (if (empty-termlist? terms)
+ the-empty-termlist
+ (let ((t1 (first-term terms)))
+ (let ((o (order t1))
+ (c (coeff t1)))
+ (adjoin-term (make-term o (negate c))
+ (negate-terms (rest-terms terms)))))))
+(define (negate-poly p)
+ (let ((terms (term-list p)))
+ (make-poly (variable p) (negate-terms terms))))
+(put 'negate '(polynomial)
+ (lambda (p) (tag (negate-poly p))))
+(define (negate p) (apply-generic 'negate p))
+(define (sub-poly p1 p2)
+ (add-poly p1 (negate p2)))
+(put 'sub '(polynomial polynomial)
+ (lambda (p1 p2) (tag (sub-poly p1 p2))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#lang racket
+(define (adjoin-term term term-list)
+ (cons (coeff term) term-list))
+(define (the-empty-termlist) '())
+(define (first-term term-list)
+ (let ((len (length term-list)))
+ (make-term (- len 1) (car term-list))))
+(define (rest-terms term-list) (cdr term-list))
+(define (empty-termlist? term-list) (null? term-list))
+(define (make-term order coeff) (list order coeff)
+(define (order term) (car term))
+(define (coeff term) (cadr term))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#lang racket
+(define (install-dense-termlist-package)
+ ;; internal procedures
+ (define (adjoin-term term term-list)
+ (cons (coeff term) term-list))
+ (define (first-term term-list)
+ (let ((len (length term-list)))
+ (make-term (- len 1) (car term-list))))
+ (define (rest-terms term-list) (cdr term-list))
+ (define (the-empty-termlist) '())
+ (define (empty-termlist? term-list) (null? term-list))
+ ;; interface to the rest of the system
+ (define (tag x) (attach-tag 'dense x))
+ (put 'adjoin-term '(term dense)
+ (lambda (term term-list)
+ (tag (adjoin-term term term-list))))
+ (put 'first-term '(dense) first-term)
+ (put 'rest-terms '(dense)
+ (lambda (term-list)
+ (tag (rest-terms term-list))))
+ (put 'the-empty-termlist '(dense)
+ (lambda ()
+ (tag (the-empty-termlist))))
+ (put 'empty-termlist? '(dense)
+ (lambda (tl)
+ (empty-termlist? (contents tl))))
+ 'done)
+(define (install-sparse-termlist-package)
+ ;; internal procedures
+ (define (adjoin-term term term-list)
+ (if (=zero? (coeff term))
+ term-list
+ (cons (coeff term) term-list)))
+ (define (first-term term-list) (car term-list))
+ (define (rest-terms term-list) (cdr term-list))
+ (define (the-empty-termlist) '())
+ (define (empty-termlist? term-list) (null? term-list))
+ ;; interface to the rest of the system
+ (define (tag x) (attach-tag 'sparse x))
+ (put 'adjoin-term '(term sparse)
+ (lambda (term term-list)
+ (tag (adjoin-term term term-list))))
+ (put 'first-term '(sparse) first-term)
+ (put 'rest-terms '(sparse)
+ (lambda (term-list)
+ (tag (rest-terms term-list))))
+ (put 'the-empty-termlist '(sparse)
+ (lambda ()
+ (tag (the-empty-termlist))))
+ (put 'empty-termlist? '(sparse)
+ (lambda (tl)
+ (empty-termlist? (contents tl))))
+ 'done)
+(define (install-term-package)
+ (define (make-term order coeff) (list order coeff))
+ (define (order term) (car term))
+ (define (coeff term) (cadr term))
+ (define (tag x) (attach-tag 'term x))
+ (put 'make-term '(scheme-number scheme-number)
+ (lambda (o c)
+ (tag (make-term o c))))
+ (put 'order '(term)
+ (lambda (t)
+ (order (contents t))))
+ (put 'coeff '(term)
+ (lambda (t)
+ (coeff (contents t))))
+ 'done)
+;; generic procedures
+(define (adjoin-term term terms) (apply-generic 'adjoin-term term terms))
+(define (first-term term-list) (apply-generic 'first-term term-list))
+(define (rest-terms term-list) (apply-generic 'rest-terms term-list))
+(define (empty-termlist? tl) (apply-generic 'empty-termlist? tl))
+(define (make-term order coeff) (apply-generic 'make-term order coeff))
+(define (order term) (apply-generic 'order term))
+(define (coeff term) (apply-generic 'coeff term))
+the-empty-termlist needs special treatment because it has no input. This can be remedied
+by get'ing the right empty term list using:
+ (get 'the-empty-termlist '(sparse))
+ (get 'the-empty-termlist '(dense))