def _got_data(self, res, blocknum):
sharehashes, blockhashes, blockdata = res
- if not self._share_hash:
- sh = dict(sharehashes)
- sh[0] = self._roothash # always use our own root, from the URI
- if self.share_hash_tree.get_leaf_index(self.sharenum) not in sh:
- raise hashutil.NotEnoughHashesError
- self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(sh)
- self._share_hash = self.share_hash_tree.get_leaf(self.sharenum)
- blockhash = hashutil.tagged_hash("encoded subshare", blockdata)
- # we always validate the blockhash
- bh = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))
- bh[0] = self._share_hash # replace blockhash root with validated value
- self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(bh, {blocknum: blockhash})
+ try:
+ if not self._share_hash:
+ sh = dict(sharehashes)
+ sh[0] = self._roothash # always use our own root, from the URI
+ sht = self.share_hash_tree
+ if sht.get_leaf_index(self.sharenum) not in sh:
+ raise hashutil.NotEnoughHashesError
+ sht.set_hashes(sh)
+ self._share_hash = sht.get_leaf(self.sharenum)
+ blockhash = hashutil.tagged_hash("encoded subshare", blockdata)
+ # we always validate the blockhash
+ bh = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))
+ # replace blockhash root with validated value
+ bh[0] = self._share_hash
+ self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(bh, {blocknum: blockhash})
+ except (hashutil.BadHashError, hashutil.NotEnoughHashesError):
+ # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more
+ # likely a programming error
+ log.msg("hash failure in shnum=%d on %s" % (self.sharenum,
+ self.bucket))
+ raise
# If we made it here, the block is good. If the hash trees didn't
# like what they saw, they would have raised a BadHashError, causing
# our caller to see a Failure and thus ignore this block (as well as