Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
- Twisted >= 11.0.0 (`#1771`_)
- mock >= 0.8 (for unit tests)
- pycryptopp >= 0.6.0 (for Ed25519 signatures)
+- zope.interface >= 3.6.0 (except 3.6.3 or 3.6.4)
Other Changes
# Feisty has simplejson 1.4
"simplejson >= 1.4",
+ # zope.interface >= 3.6.0 is required for Twisted >= 12.1.0.
# zope.interface 3.6.3 and 3.6.4 are incompatible with Nevow (#1435).
- "zope.interface <= 3.6.2, >= 3.6.5",
+ "zope.interface == 3.6.0, == 3.6.1, == 3.6.2, >= 3.6.5",
# * On Windows we need at least Twisted 9.0 to avoid an indirect
# dependency on pywin32.