# setup.py will extend sys.path to include our support/lib/... directory
# itself. It will also create it in the beginning of the 'develop' command.
-PLAT = $(strip $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "import sys ; print sys.platform"))
-ifeq ($(PLAT),win32)
- # The platform is Windows with cygwin build tools and the native Python interpreter.
- SUPPORT = $(shell cygpath -w $(shell pwd))\support
- SUPPORTLIB := $(SUPPORT)\Lib\site-packages
- SRCPATH := $(shell cygpath -w $(shell pwd)/src)
- INNOSETUP := $(shell cygpath -au "$(PROGRAMFILES)/Inno Setup 5/Compil32.exe")
- PYVER=$(shell $(PYTHON) misc/pyver.py)
- SUPPORT = $(shell pwd)/support
- SUPPORTLIB = $(SUPPORT)/lib/$(PYVER)/site-packages
- SRCPATH := $(shell pwd)/src
- SITEDIRARG = --site-dirs=/var/lib/python-support/$(PYVER)
PP=$(shell $(PYTHON) setup.py -q show_pythonpath)
+RUNPP=$(PYTHON) setup.py run_with_pythonpath
.PHONY: make-version build
$(PYTHON) setup.py trial -a "--reporter=bwverbose-figleaf $(TEST)"
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r src -x misc/figleaf.excludes
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r src -x misc/figleaf.excludes"
@echo "now point your browser at coverage-html/index.html"
# after doing test-figleaf and figleaf-output, point your browser at
.figleaf.el: .figleaf
- $(PP) $(PYTHON) misc/figleaf2el.py .figleaf src
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "misc/figleaf2el.py .figleaf src"
$(PYTHON) -OOu `which pyflakes` src/allmydata |sort |uniq
check-memory: .built
rm -rf _test_memory
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-self
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-POST
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET-slow
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py receive
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload"
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-self"
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-POST"
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download"
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET"
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET-slow"
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py receive"
check-memory-once: .built
rm -rf _test_memory
- $(PP) \
- $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py $(MODE)
+ $(RUNPP) -p -c "src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py $(MODE)"
# The check-speed target uses a pre-established client node to run a canned
# set of performance tests against a test network that is also
# 'make repl' is a simple-to-type command to get a Python interpreter loop
# from which you can type 'import allmydata'
- $(PP) $(PYTHON)
+ $(RUNPP) -p
@echo $(VER)
+ @echo $(PP)
.PHONY: setup-deb deb-ARCH is-known-debian-arch
.PHONY: deb-etch deb-sid
.PHONY: windows-exe windows-installer windows-installer-upload
windows-exe: .built
- cd windows && $(PP) $(PYTHON) setup.py py2exe
+ $(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C windows windows-exe"
windows-installer: windows-exe
- $(PP) $(PYTHON) misc/sub-ver.py windows/installer.tmpl >windows/installer.iss
- cd windows && "$(INNOSETUP)" /cc installer.iss
+ $(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C windows windows-installer"
- chmod -R o+rx windows/dist/installer
- rsync -av -e /usr/bin/ssh windows/dist/installer/ amduser@dev:/home/amduser/public_html/dist/tahoe/windows/
+ $(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C windows windows-installer-upload"
# These targets provide for mac native builds
.PHONY: mac-exe mac-upload mac-cleanup mac-dbg
mac-exe: .built
$(MAKE) -C mac clean
- VERSION=$(VER) $(PP) $(MAKE) -C mac build
+ VERSION=$(VER) $(RUNPP) -c "$(MAKE) -C mac build"
VERSION=$(VER) $(MAKE) -C mac diskimage
# This target runs a stats gatherer server
.PHONY: stats-gatherer-run
- cd stats_gatherer && $(PP) $(PYTHON) ../src/allmydata/stats.py
+ $(RUNPP) -d stats_gatherer -p ../src/allmydata/stats.py