import sys, urllib
def get(nodeurl, vdrive, vdrive_file, local_file):
- if not isinstance(nodeurl, basestring):
- raise ValueError("nodeurl is required to be a string and look like \"http://HOSTNAMEORADDR:PORT\", not: %r" % (nodeurl,))
if nodeurl[-1] != "/":
nodeurl += "/"
url = nodeurl + "vdrive/" + vdrive + "/"
@return: a Deferred which eventually fires with the exit code
- if not isinstance(nodeurl, basestring):
- raise ValueError("nodeurl is required to be a string and look like \"http://HOSTNAMEORADDR:PORT\", not: %r" % (nodeurl,))
mo = NODEURL_RE.match(nodeurl)
- if not mo:
- raise ValueError("nodeurl is required to look like \"http://HOSTNAMEORADDR:PORT\", not: %r" % (nodeurl,))
host =
port = int(