int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]);
void self_extract(wchar_t *destination_dir);
+unsigned __int64 read_uint64_le(unsigned char *b);
bool have_acceptable_python();
void install_python();
wchar_t * get_default_destination_dir();
#define PYTHON_INSTALLER_64BIT (L"python-" INSTALL_PYTHON_VERSION L".amd64.msi")
+void noop_handler(const wchar_t * expression,
+ const wchar_t * function,
+ const wchar_t * file,
+ unsigned int line,
+ uintptr_t pReserved) {
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) {
+ _set_invalid_parameter_handler(noop_handler);
if (argc >= 2 && wcscmp(argv[1], L"--help") == 0) {
printf("installer <destination_dir>\n");
GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, executable_path, MAX_PATH);
fail_unless(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Could not get the path of the current executable.");
- unzip(executable_path, destination_dir);
+ // shell32's zipped folder implementation is strict about the zip format and
+ // does not support unzipping a self-extracting exe directly. So we copy the
+ // original zip file that was appended to the exe to a temporary directory,
+ // and use shell32 to unzip it from there. To get the length of the zip file,
+ // we look at its "end of central directory record" (not to be confused with
+ // a "Zip64 end of central directory record"), which is documented at
+ // <>.
+ // For simplicity we only handle the case of a zip file that has no archive
+ // comment. This code is based loosely on the _EndRecData function in
+ // <>.
+ // APPNOTE.TXT sections 4.3.15 and 4.3.16.
+ const size_t sizeof_zip64eocdl = 20,
+ sizeof_eocd = 22;
+ unsigned char end_data[sizeof_zip64eocdl + sizeof_eocd];
+ unsigned char zip64eocdl_signature[] = {0x50, 0x4B, 0x06, 0x07};
+ unsigned char eocd_signature[] = {0x50, 0x4B, 0x05, 0x06};
+ unsigned char comment_length[] = {0x00, 0x00};
+ unsigned char zip64eocdl_disk_num[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+ unsigned char zip64eocdl_disk_count[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+ errno = 0;
+ FILE *f = _wfopen(L"C:\\tahoe\\", L"rb");
+ fail_unless(f != NULL && errno == 0 && ferror(f) == 0,
+ "Could not open executable file.");
+ _fseeki64(f, -(__int64) sizeof(end_data), SEEK_END);
+ fail_unless(errno == 0 && ferror(f) == 0,
+ "Could not seek to end records.");
+ __int64 zip64eocdl_offset = _ftelli64(f);
+ fail_unless(errno == 0 && ferror(f) == 0 && zip64eocdl_offset >= 0,
+ "Could not read position of end records.");
+ printf("zip64eocdl_offset = %ld\n", zip64eocdl_offset);
+ size_t n = fread(end_data, sizeof(end_data), 1, f);
+ printf("n = %ld\n", n);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(end_data); i++) {
+ printf("%02X ", end_data[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ fail_unless(n == 1 && errno == 0 && ferror(f) == 0,
+ "Could not read end records.");
+ fail_unless(memcmp(end_data + sizeof(end_data) - sizeof(comment_length),
+ comment_length, sizeof(comment_length)) == 0,
+ "Cannot read a zip file that has an archive comment.");
+ unsigned char *eocd = end_data + sizeof_zip64eocdl;
+ fail_unless(memcmp(eocd, eocd_signature, sizeof(eocd_signature)) == 0,
+ "Could not find the end-of-central-directory signature.");
+ fail_unless(memcmp(end_data, zip64eocdl_signature, sizeof(zip64eocdl_signature)) == 0,
+ "Could not find the zip64-end-of-central-directory-locator signature.");
+ fail_unless(memcmp(eocd + 4, zip64eocdl_disk_num, sizeof(zip64eocdl_disk_num)) == 0 &&
+ memcmp(eocd + 6, zip64eocdl_disk_num, sizeof(zip64eocdl_disk_num)) == 0 &&
+ memcmp(end_data + 4, zip64eocdl_disk_count, sizeof(zip64eocdl_disk_count)) == 0,
+ "Cannot read a zipfile that spans disks.");
+ unsigned __int64 eocd_relative_offset = read_uint64_le(end_data + 8);
+ unsigned __int64 eocd_offset = zip64eocdl_offset + sizeof_zip64eocdl;
+ fail_unless(eocd_relative_offset <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFi64 && eocd_offset <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFi64,
+ "Could not calculate zipfile offset due to potential integer overflow.");
+ __int64 zipfile_offset = eocd_offset - eocd_relative_offset;
+ fail_unless(zipfile_offset >= 0 && zipfile_offset <= zip64eocdl_offset,
+ "Unexpected result from zipfile offset calculation.");
+ printf("zipfile_offset = %ld\n", zipfile_offset);
+ _fseeki64(f, zipfile_offset, SEEK_SET);
+ fail_unless(errno == 0 && ferror(f) == 0,
+ "Could not seek to zipfile offset.");
+ printf("%ld\n", zipfile_offset);
+ //unzip(L"C:\\tahoe\\", destination_dir);
+// read unsigned little-endian 64-bit integer
+unsigned __int64 read_uint64_le(unsigned char *b) {
+ return ((unsigned __int64) b[0] ) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[1] << 8) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[2] << 16) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[3] << 24) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[4] << 32) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[5] << 40) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[6] << 48) |
+ ((unsigned __int64) b[7] << 56);
+void read_from_end(FILE *f, size_t offset, unsigned char *dest, size_t length) {
bool have_acceptable_python() {
void unzip(wchar_t *zip_path, wchar_t *destination_dir) {
+ // Based on <>
wprintf(L"Extracting %ls\nto %ls\n", zip_path, destination_dir);
// SysAllocString: <>
// Folder.NameSpace: <>
Folder *zip_folder = NULL;
res = shell->NameSpace(zip_path_var, &zip_folder);
- printf("%d", res);
- fail_unless(zip_folder != NULL, "Could not create zip Folder object.");
+ fail_unless(res == S_OK && zip_folder != NULL, "Could not create zip Folder object.");
Folder *destination_folder = NULL;
- shell->NameSpace(destination_dir_var, &destination_folder);
- fail_unless(destination_folder != NULL, "Could not create destination Folder object.");
+ res = shell->NameSpace(destination_dir_var, &destination_folder);
+ fail_unless(res == S_OK && destination_folder != NULL, "Could not create destination Folder object.");
FolderItems *zip_folderitems = NULL;
fail_unless(zip_folderitems != NULL, "Could not create zip FolderItems object.");
+ long files_count = 0;
+ zip_folderitems->get_Count(&files_count);
+ printf("count %d\n", files_count);
VARIANT zip_idispatch_var;
zip_idispatch_var.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
zip_idispatch_var.pdispVal = NULL;