if not arg.startswith(u"-") or arg == u"-":
argv = argv[1:]
- if arg == u'-m':
- # sys.argv[0] should really be the absolute path of the module source, but never mind
- break
- if arg == u'-c':
- argv[0] = u'-c'
+ if arg == u'-m' or arg == u'-c':
- local_tahoe = "Scripts\\tahoe.pyscript"
+ script = os.path.join(base, "support", "Scripts", "tahoe.pyscript")
+ # On Windows, the script is not directly executable and must be run via python.
+ args = [sys.executable, script] + argv[1:]
- argv = sys.argv
- local_tahoe = "bin/tahoe"
+ script = os.path.join(base, "support", "bin", "tahoe")
-script = os.path.join(base, "support", local_tahoe)
+ # On non-Windows, invoke the script directly, so that 'top' for example shows 'tahoe'.
+ args = [script] + sys.argv[1:]
- res = subprocess.call([sys.executable, script] + argv[1:], env=os.environ)
+ res = subprocess.call(args, env=os.environ)
except (OSError, IOError), le:
if le.args[0] == errno.ENOENT:
print whoami