def catalog_shares(options):
out = options.stdout
err = options.stderr
if abbrevdir == "incoming":
abbrevdir = os.path.join(d, abbrevdir)
- for si_s in os.listdir(abbrevdir):
- si_dir = os.path.join(abbrevdir, si_s)
- for shnum_s in os.listdir(si_dir):
- abs_sharefile = os.path.join(si_dir, shnum_s)
- abs_sharefile = os.path.abspath(abs_sharefile)
- assert os.path.isfile(abs_sharefile)
- try:
- describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now,
- out)
- except:
- print >>err, "Error processing %s" % abs_sharefile
- failure.Failure().printTraceback(err)
+ # this tool may get run against bad disks, so we can't assume
+ # that os.listdir will always succeed. Try to catalog as much
+ # as possible.
+ try:
+ sharedirs = os.listdir(abbrevdir)
+ for si_s in sharedirs:
+ si_dir = os.path.join(abbrevdir, si_s)
+ catalog_shares_one_abbrevdir(si_s, si_dir, now, out,err)
+ except:
+ print >>err, "Error processing %s" % abbrevdir
+ failure.Failure().printTraceback(err)
return 0
+def catalog_shares_one_abbrevdir(si_s, si_dir, now, out, err):
+ try:
+ for shnum_s in os.listdir(si_dir):
+ abs_sharefile = os.path.join(si_dir, shnum_s)
+ abs_sharefile = os.path.abspath(abs_sharefile)
+ assert os.path.isfile(abs_sharefile)
+ try:
+ describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now,
+ out)
+ except:
+ print >>err, "Error processing %s" % abs_sharefile
+ failure.Failure().printTraceback(err)
+ except:
+ print >>err, "Error processing %s" % si_dir
+ failure.Failure().printTraceback(err)
class CorruptShareOptions(usage.Options):
def getSynopsis(self):
return "Usage: tahoe debug corrupt-share SHARE_FILENAME"
sharedir = os.path.join(nodedir1, "storage", "shares", "mq", "mqfblse6m5a6dh45isu2cg7oji")
f = open(os.path.join(sharedir, "8"), "wb")
+ open("cli/test_catalog_shares/node1/storage/shares/mq/not-a-dir", "wb").close()
# write a bogus share that looks a little bit like CHK
f.write("\x00\x00\x00\x01" + "\xff" * 200) # this triggers an assert
nodedir2 = "cli/test_catalog_shares/node2"
+ open("cli/test_catalog_shares/node1/storage/shares/not-a-dir", "wb").close()
# now make sure that the 'catalog-shares' commands survives the error
out, err = self._catalog_shares(nodedir1, nodedir2)