[node]log_gatherer.furl : BASEDIR/log_gatherer.furl (one per line)
[node]timeout.keepalive : BASEDIR/keepalive_timeout
[node]timeout.disconnect : BASEDIR/disconnect_timeout
-[node]ssh.port : BASEDIR/authorized_keys.SSHPORT
-[node]ssh.authorized_keys_file : BASEDIR/authorized_keys.SSHPORT
[client]introducer.furl : BASEDIR/introducer.furl
[client]helper.furl : BASEDIR/helper.furl
[client]key_generator.furl : BASEDIR/key_generator.furl
Note: the functionality of [node]ssh.port and [node]ssh.authorized_keys_file
were previously combined, controlled by the presence of a
BASEDIR/authorized_keys.SSHPORT file, in which the suffix of the filename
-indicated which port the ssh server should listen on.
+indicated which port the ssh server should listen on, and the contents of the
+file provided the ssh public keys to accept. Support for these files has been
+removed completely. To ssh into your Tahoe node, add [node]ssh.port and
+[node].ssh_authorized_keys_file statements to your tahoe.cfg .
== Example ==
copy("keepalive_timeout", "node", "timeout.keepalive")
copy("disconnect_timeout", "node", "timeout.disconnect")
- AUTHKEYSFILEBASE = "authorized_keys."
- for f in os.listdir(self.basedir):
- if f.startswith(AUTHKEYSFILEBASE):
- keyfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, f)
- portnum = int(f[len(AUTHKEYSFILEBASE):])
- self.set_config("node", "ssh.port", str(portnum))
- self.set_config("node", "ssh.authorized_keys_file", keyfile)
- # only allow one
- break
def _copy_config_from_file(self, config_filename, section, keyname):
s = self.get_config_from_file(config_filename)