msf.writev( [(0, final_share)], None)
def test_mutable(self):
self.basedir = "system/SystemTest/test_mutable"
DATA = "initial contents go here." # 25 bytes % 3 != 0
return d
return d
+class SystemTestMixin(testutil.SignalMixin, testutil.PollMixin,
+ testutil.StallMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.sparent = service.MultiService()
+ self.sparent.startService()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ log.msg("shutting down SystemTest services")
+ d = self.sparent.stopService()
+ d.addBoth(flush_but_dont_ignore)
+ return d
+ def getdir(self, subdir):
+ return os.path.join(self.basedir, subdir)
+ def add_service(self, s):
+ s.setServiceParent(self.sparent)
+ return s
+ def set_up_nodes(self, NUMCLIENTS=5):
+ self.numclients = NUMCLIENTS
+ iv_dir = self.getdir("introducer")
+ if not os.path.isdir(iv_dir):
+ fileutil.make_dirs(iv_dir)
+ f = open(os.path.join(iv_dir, "webport"), "w")
+ f.write("tcp:0:interface=\n")
+ f.close()
+ iv = IntroducerNode(basedir=iv_dir)
+ self.introducer = self.add_service(iv)
+ d = self.introducer.when_tub_ready()
+ d.addCallback(self._set_up_nodes_2)
+ return d
+ def _set_up_nodes_2(self, res):
+ q = self.introducer
+ self.introducer_furl = q.introducer_url
+ self.clients = []
+ basedirs = []
+ for i in range(self.numclients):
+ basedir = self.getdir("client%d" % i)
+ basedirs.append(basedir)
+ fileutil.make_dirs(basedir)
+ if i == 0:
+ # client[0] runs a webserver and a helper, no key_generator
+ open(os.path.join(basedir, "webport"), "w").write("tcp:0:interface=")
+ open(os.path.join(basedir, "sizelimit"), "w").write("10GB\n")
+ open(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "w").write(self.introducer_furl)
+ # start client[0], wait for it's tub to be ready (at which point it
+ # will have registered the helper furl).
+ c = self.add_service(client.Client(basedir=basedirs[0]))
+ self.clients.append(c)
+ d = c.when_tub_ready()
+ def _ready(res):
+ # this starts the rest of the clients
+ for i in range(1, self.numclients):
+ c = self.add_service(client.Client(basedir=basedirs[i]))
+ self.clients.append(c)
+ log.msg("STARTING")
+ return self.wait_for_connections()
+ d.addCallback(_ready)
+ def _connected(res):
+ log.msg("CONNECTED")
+ # now find out where the web port was
+ l = self.clients[0].getServiceNamed("webish").listener
+ port = l._port.getHost().port
+ self.webish_url = "http://localhost:%d/" % port
+ d.addCallback(_connected)
+ return d
+ def _check_connections(self):
+ for c in self.clients:
+ ic = c.introducer_client
+ if not ic.connected_to_introducer():
+ return False
+ if len(ic.get_all_peerids()) != self.numclients:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def wait_for_connections(self, ignored=None):
+ # TODO: replace this with something that takes a list of peerids and
+ # fires when they've all been heard from, instead of using a count
+ # and a threshold
+ return self.poll(self._check_connections, timeout=200)
+class Fast(SystemTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+ # this is the beginning of a faster system-test framework
+ def test_setup(self):
+ self.basedir = "system/Fast/test_foo"
+ return self.set_up_nodes(5)