From: Daira Hopwood <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 14:17:35 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Move the pending_delay mechanism from Windows-specific code to

Move the pending_delay mechanism from Windows-specific code to
This is necessary because we have insufficent information in the Windows code
about how event masks are used.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>

diff --git a/src/allmydata/frontends/ b/src/allmydata/frontends/
index 81502467..f14f9ee5 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/frontends/
+++ b/src/allmydata/frontends/
@@ -183,9 +183,7 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
         self._inotify = get_inotify_module()
         self._notifier = self._inotify.INotify()
         self._pending = set()
-        if hasattr(self._notifier, 'set_pending_delay'):
-            self._notifier.set_pending_delay(pending_delay)
+        self._pending_delay = pending_delay
         # TODO: what about IN_MOVE_SELF and IN_UNMOUNT?
@@ -222,15 +220,19 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
     def start_scanning(self):
         self.is_ready = True
-        self._pending = self._db.get_all_relpaths()
-        self._log("all_files %r" % (self._pending))
-        d = self._scan(u"")
-        def _add_pending(ign):
-            # This adds all of the files that were in the db but not already processed
-            # (normally because they have been deleted on disk).
-            self._log("adding %r" % (self._pending))
-            self._deque.extend(self._pending)
-        d.addCallback(_add_pending)
+        # Notify ALL THE THINGS.
+        # XXX this does not guarantee to notify parents before children. Is that a problem?
+        all_relpaths = self._db.get_all_relpaths()
+        self._log("all_files %r" % (all_relpaths,))
+        for relpath_u in all_relpaths:
+            fp = self._get_filepath(relpath_u)
+            self._notify(None, fp, IN_CHANGED)
+        self._scan(u"")
+        d = defer.succeed(None)
         d.addCallback(lambda ign: self._turn_deque())
         return d
@@ -239,31 +241,16 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
         fp = self._get_filepath(reldir_u)
             children = listdir_filepath(fp)
-        except EnvironmentError:
-            raise Exception("WARNING: magic folder: permission denied on directory %s"
-                            % quote_filepath(fp))
-        except FilenameEncodingError:
-            raise Exception("WARNING: magic folder: could not list directory %s due to a filename encoding error"
-                            % quote_filepath(fp))
+        except (EnvironmentError, FilenameEncodingError) as e:
+            self._log("error listing directory %s: %s" % (quote_filepath(fp), e))
+            return None
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
         for child in children:
             _assert(isinstance(child, unicode), child=child)
-            d.addCallback(lambda ign, child=child:
-                          ("%s/%s" % (reldir_u, child) if reldir_u else child))
-            def _add_pending(relpath_u):
-                if magicpath.should_ignore_file(relpath_u):
-                    return None
-                self._pending.add(relpath_u)
-                return relpath_u
-            d.addCallback(_add_pending)
-            # This call to _process doesn't go through the deque, and probably should.
-            d.addCallback(self._process)
-            d.addBoth(self._call_hook, 'processed')
-            d.addErrback(log.err)
-        return d
+            relpath_u = ("%s/%s" % (reldir_u, child)) if reldir_u else child
+            if not magicpath.should_ignore_file(relpath_u):
+                child_fp = self._get_filepath(relpath_u)
+                self._notify(None, child_fp, IN_CHANGED)
     def _notify(self, opaque, path, events_mask):
         self._log("inotify event %r, %r, %r\n" % (opaque, path, ', '.join(self._inotify.humanReadableMask(events_mask))))
@@ -288,14 +275,21 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
         self._log("appending %r to deque" % (relpath_u,))
-        self._deque.append(relpath_u)
-        self._count('objects_queued')
-        if self.is_ready:
-            if self._immediate:  # for tests
-                self._turn_deque()
-            else:
-                self._clock.callLater(0, self._turn_deque)
+        def _do_append():
+            self._pending.remove(relpath_u)
+            self._deque.append(relpath_u)
+            self._count('objects_queued')
+            if self.is_ready:
+                if self._immediate:  # for tests
+                    self._turn_deque()
+                else:
+                    self._clock.callLater(0, self._turn_deque)
+        if self._immediate:
+            _do_append()
+        else:
+            self._clock.callLater(self._pending_delay, _do_append)
     def _when_queue_is_empty(self):
         return defer.succeed(None)
@@ -316,9 +310,6 @@ class Uploader(QueueMixin):
             fp = self._get_filepath(relpath_u)
             pathinfo = get_pathinfo(unicode_from_filepath(fp))
-            self._log("about to remove %r from pending set %r" %
-                      (relpath_u, self._pending))
-            self._pending.remove(relpath_u)
             encoded_path_u = magicpath.path2magic(relpath_u)
             if not pathinfo.exists:
diff --git a/src/allmydata/windows/ b/src/allmydata/windows/
index 4e7bc904..cc7e534d 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/windows/
+++ b/src/allmydata/windows/
@@ -199,13 +199,8 @@ class INotify(PollMixin):
         self._callbacks = None
         self._hDirectory = None
         self._path = None
-        self._pending = set()
-        self._pending_delay = 1.0
         self.recursive_includes_new_subdirectories = True
-    def set_pending_delay(self, delay):
-        self._pending_delay = delay
     def startReading(self):
         return self.poll(lambda: self._state != NOT_STARTED)
@@ -265,20 +260,16 @@ class INotify(PollMixin):
                     path = self._path.preauthChild(info.filename)  # FilePath with Unicode path
-                    #mask = _action_to_inotify_mask.get(info.action, IN_CHANGED)
-                    def _maybe_notify(path):
-                        if path not in self._pending:
-                            self._pending.add(path)
-                            def _do_callbacks():
-                                self._pending.remove(path)
-                                for cb in self._callbacks:
-                                    try:
-                                        cb(None, path, IN_CHANGED)
-                                    except Exception, e:
-                                        log.err(e)
-                            reactor.callLater(self._pending_delay, _do_callbacks)
-                    reactor.callFromThread(_maybe_notify, path)
+                    mask = _action_to_inotify_mask.get(info.action, IN_CHANGED)
+                    def _notify(path):
+                        for cb in self._callbacks:
+                            try:
+                                cb(None, path, mask)
+                            except Exception, e:
+                                log.err(e)
+                    reactor.callFromThread(_notify, path)
         except Exception, e:
             self._state = STOPPED