(ns sicp.ex2_15 (:use [sicp utils ch2_1_extended ex2_7 ex2_8 ex2_12] [clojure.test])) (def r1 (make-center-percent 1000 0.01)) (def r2 (make-center-percent 100 0.01)) (def r3 (sub-interval (add-interval r1 r2) r2)) ;;=> (999.8799999999999 1000.1200000000001) (percentage r3) ;;=> 0.012000000000011824 (center r3) ;;=> 1000.0 (comment "This shows that even if you add and subtract an interval (r2) from another interval, we get back an interval which is not the same as the original one r1. Let us look at the range as (center, percentage) pair. r1 = c1 +/- w1 r2 = c2 +/- w2 Now r1+r2-r2 = c1 + c2 - c1 +/- (2*w1+w2) = c1 +/- (2*w1 + w2) i.e. we have a new percentage width as the errors add up. The inference from this is that, we reduce the number of ranges in a calculation to get a more accurate range. So, yes, Eva Lu Ator is right. " )