#lang racket (define (tagged-list? exp tag) (if (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) tag) #f)) (define (make-lambda params body) (cons 'lambda (cons params body))) (define (let*? expr) (tagged-list? expr 'let*)) (define (let*-bindings expr) (cadr expr)) (define (let*-body expr) (cddr expr)) (define (let*->let bindings body) (cond [(empty? bindings) '()] [else (let ([binding (car bindings)] [rest-bindings (cdr bindings)]) (if (empty? rest-bindings) (cons 'let (cons (list binding) body)) (cons 'let (cons (list binding) (list (let*->let rest-bindings body))))))])) #| (define (make-let bindings body) (cons 'let (cons bindings body))) (define (let*->let bindings body) (cond [(empty? bindings) body] [else (make-let (list (car bindings)) (list (let*->let (cdr bindings) body))])) |# (define (let*->nested-lets exp) (let ([bindings (let*-bindings exp)] [body (let*-body exp)]) (let*->let bindings body))) ;; b #| It is enough to add an action for let* expression in eval, as eval gets recursively called for the transformed expressions (assuming that eval has case handlers for let expression whose action is to transform into lambda expression application and eval it). if we add the following action for let* expressions in eval: (eval (let*->nested-lets exp) env) => (eval (let-expression) env) => (eval (let->combination exp) env) => (eval (application exp parameters) env) |#